Josh was born on June 6th, 1991 and lives in Anaheim, California. His favorite places to visit are Sesame Place, Disneyworld and Disneyland and he likes to create stories and draw pictures from these visits.
Josh is a storyteller, and it is important to him that people read and enjoy the books he creates. Josh is also a performer and views the world thru the lens of the Disney and Sesame Street stories and shows. He uses these stories and shows to help him relate to things that happen in the real-life world. People close to Josh also know these stories and use them to communicate and interact with him through “scenes” by comparing them to what he is thinking and how he is feeling. He takes a small Kermit the Frog with him everywhere he goes as his trusty sidekick and often talks in a Kermit the frog voice when meeting a person for first time. When he knows he is safe and accepted, he enjoys continuing a conversation with a new friend.
As part of his experience in attending Disney and Sesame Street shows, Josh thrives in make personal connections with the cast members of the show. Many of his friends are cast and crew members of these shows and they stay in touch with Josh as friends and Facebook followers. Several of the pictures on this site and on Josh’s Facebook page include pictures of Josh with these wonderful cast members.
Lion King on Broadway is one show that has been particularly influential in Josh’s life. At the closing of the first national tour of the Lion King, the cast awarded Josh the Ebonga Award, which is reserved for cast members that go above and beyond. Josh was also made an honorary member of the Lion King cast and remains friends with several of the performers.
To know Josh is to love him. He has a unique ability for making others feel happy and loved. He is also an amazing story writer, and all of his stories have happy endings.
This site was created to help Josh share his stories with his friends, community, and new friends he meets on his life journey. Visit the ABOUT PAGE on this site to learn more on why this site was created and how it will help Josh realize his dream of bringing joy to others through his stories.